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Friday 13 May 2011

The Amateur Chefs

On the very last day of the school term, Amanda Mandaskii had come over to her best friend's, Molly Moore, house. The next day was going to be Natasha's birthday. Natasha was Molly's younger sister. They decided to bake a birthday cake for her.

After what seemed like half an hour of looking though recipes, Molly and Amanda finally decided to bake Donna Hay's Four Tier Chocolate Cake with a twist of vanilla ice cream to top off the cake as Natasha had a very sweet tooth and adored vanilla. "My sister is going to love this!" Molly exclaimed. After weighing and adding all the ingredients together in the mixing bowl, Molly went to fetch the cake mixer. The sound of the cake mixing was deafening. The area became terribly messy as well. Before they could continue baking, they had to clean the mess up first.

Molly tilted the bowl slightly into the direction of the cake tin and Amanda slowly scraped the mix off it some of the mix was left int the bowl so they gently scraped it and licked it off their fingers. "Delicious!" Amanda loved it. Molly was more careful than Amanda so she put the cake tin into the oven and set it for two hours.

While waiting for the cake to be baked, both of them raced upstairs to play computer games and gossip. When the timer rang, Amanda and Molly ran downstairs in the twinkling of an eye. Heading to the kitchen, they could smell its aroma. When Molly took out the cake, both stared at the bolt from the blue. "Well, that didn't go very well, did it?" Molly asked. Both agreed. Their cake turned out to be smaller than expected and was not levelled. "Oh well," Amanda sighed.

Although the cake did not look inviting. it tasted quite good. It was an unforgettable and learning experience of which the two amateur chefs will laugh at when they recall the good old memory.

Monday 4 April 2011

The Naughty Cat (Essay #2)

  One fine Tuesday afternoon, Mrs Pilah was at home alone with the family's cat, White. White was playing around with his ball of yarn in the playroom. Mrs Pilah was preparing a special lunch for her son, Jamie, as it was his birthday on that day. She was removing the scales of the fish then started frying it. Fried fish was his favorite. After frying the fish and laying the dish on the table, the doorbell rang.

  A postman was outside with a parcel. "Ah, yes, I was expecting this!" Mrs Pilah exclaimed in glee. It was Jamie's birthday present that Mrs Pilah had ordered online. She signed the receipt and examined the gift to see that it was the right one.

  Meanwhile, White was still playing around when he could suddenly smell a whiff of fried fish. "Yum!" he thought. White followed the smell and found a perfectly cooked piece of fried fish on the dining table. He pounced on the chair and on the table then took the fish and went away.

  When Mrs Pilah went back into the house, she was feeling very ecstatic. She went back to the dining room to continue her preparation but she could not smell the fish! When she got to the table, she found the fish gone. She was suspicious of mischievous White.

She quickly rushed to where White's food bowl was and found White munching on the fish. He was caught red-handed. Mrs Pilah was horrified and scolded the cat. He looked scared and ran away as fast as lightning. By that time, Jamie's big rickety yellow bus pulled up in front of the front gate and as Jamie got off, his friends exclaimed a big 'Happy Birthday Jamie!' and with that, Jamie was home and little did he know his mother had no food for him.

Friday 11 March 2011

Broken Glasses (Essay #1)

  One fine afternoon, the brothers, Ahmad and Ali, were in their room. They were yelling and throwing pillows at each other around the room as they were having a pillow fight. Their mother, who was in the kitchen, heard so much noise, so she decided to check on them. When she entered the room and found out what they were doing, she felt annoyed and irritated at her children and reprimanded them but they did not heed their mother's advice.

  Suddenly, Ali's frame was knocked off by the one of the pillows. His pair of spectacles were stepped on and flattened.  It was Ali himself who stepped on his own glasses. He screamed loudly in pain for stepping on his own glasses. Ahmad reported the incident to their mother.

  After taking care of Ali, their mother became angry and reprimanded them because they were stubborn. Their mother ordered them to replace Ali's broken glasses with their own savings. She wanted them to learn a lesson and also not to play around with pillows anymore. The brothers used their savings from their piggy banks to replace Ali's glasses. They regretted for not having listened to their mother's advice and had learned a very expensive lesson.